
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Under the mentorship of Dr. Amanda DelVecchia, I am developing ideas for my dissertation research. Stay tuned!

Towson University

Under the mentorship of Dr. Susan Gresens and in collaboration with the Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (BC DEPS), my research seeks to understand how intense urban development in the past decades impacted Red Run watershed, a former trout watershed, using:
(1) Water chemistry and benthic datasets collected by the BC DEPS
(2) Land cover data from the USGS Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection
(3) Impervious surface area (ISA) data from the NLCD
(4) Hydrological data from USGS gauging station at
Gwynns Fall at Villa Nova
My thesis consisted of two chapters: (1) Red Run early (1987) and late (2009) development; (2) Red Run after 2009 during the continuous phase of urban development.

Manuscripts from these chapters are in preparation!

If you would like to check out my work in more details, feel free to pay my RPubs a visit. RPubs is where I usually publish my analysis results. RPubs: Nguyen Tien Anh Quach

Troy University

During my undergraduate career, under the supervisions of Mr. Jonathan Miller and Dr. Brian Helms, I have done a variety of projects on crayfish, fish, mussels, and benthic macroinvertebrates. My past research greatly built up my research skills and sparked my interest in freshwater ecology.

The research that I was most proud of was our mussel study, in which we examined how long individuals of Fusconaia escambia, a federally listed species of mussel, survived under the drawdown conditions of the Gantt Reservoir. Our mussel study was also featured on Troy Today. Check out this link.

I am also currently working with the team to prepare a manuscript based on this research. Stay tuned!

Credit: Jonathan Sellers.